Today, I’m joined by my friend and colleague Erica Courdae who has been my DEI consultant and is a part of the CEO Collective as a mentor. She’s back on the show to dive into staying true to your core values when your business is growing, changing, or its mettle is being tested.
On this episode of Promote Yourself to CEO:
6:23 – Making a commitment to values. It’s not a one-time thing.
9:51 – Where does real empowerment come from? The word gets thrown around often, but it isn’t a gift you can give others.
12:03 – How do the working and business worlds try to blame the victims?
18:05 – Avoiding echo chambers. Who are you intentionally networking with?
25:05 – You need to life-proof your business so it can still thrive when things aren’t perfect.
32:05 – Dealing with panic moments by modeling clear and kind boundaries. Panic is not a business strategy.
36:07 – Having a strategy and a process for making decisions. Running your business becomes easier for yourself and your teams.
39:25 – The noise around you is a big distraction. Do you just need to shut it out, scale back, and return to basics?
43:13 – You can only do what you do for your community in the way that you do it.
48:23 – Clarity in your values makes your business growth journey so much easier.
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