Episode 58: Keeping it Simple as You Scale Your Business with Denise Duffield-Thomas

Today, we’re talking with my dear friend Denise Duffield-Thomas on how your money mindset can majorly impact your life and your business. Check it out.


I have some important questions to ask you today.

  • Do you ever wish that you didn’t have to deal with money?
  • Have you ever had a hard time quoting a price to a potential client?
  • Or, have you ever struggled to say, “hey, I need you to pay me” now?

These are common challenges that a lot of entrepreneurs face, but we don’t seem to talk about it a whole lot. That’s why I wanted to introduce you to my dear friend and Money Mindset Mentor, Denise Duffield-Thomas.

Denise is somebody who just inspires me, I’ve absolutely loved watching her business over the last five or so years, because not only has she really started an important conversation around Money Mindset for women entrepreneurs.

I hope you enjoy this incredibly insightful conversation with Denise about making your money work for you, around money mindset, and around how less really can help you earn more.

RC: When you first got that entrepreneurial bug and decided to go off and start your own business? What did that look like? What were some of the challenges you were facing?

My very first business was when I was eight, and I made bracelets. I rode on my bike around the state where I lived, and I would honestly see groups of kids, and I would ride up to them and say, “hey, do you guys want to buy these super cool bracelets?”

I don’t remember how many I sold, but I know that I didn’t make very much money out of it, because I sold them for the same price that cost me to make them, which was ridiculous, but it’s so symbolic of the rest of my entrepreneurial journey.

What I see now for women is that we almost think

“oh, I’m allowed to do what I love, but then getting paid for it, as well, that’s just too much.

When I think about my next kind of entrepreneurial life, In my early 20s I did the same stuff. I didn’t really think about the money or how much I should charge for things, or even that I was worth charging for it.

My next big entrepreneurial venture was around 2004 when I heard about these new things that were coming out called eBooks. I was so excited. You don’t have to be traditionally published, but back then there wasn’t really the mechanism to do or sell the ebook yourself.

I went through someone who had set themselves up as an eBook publisher, and the book was called Internet Dating Tips for Men, which is the most boring title ever.

I started doing the internet dating and I was thought “there has to be a better way to do this“. So I created a sales funnel system for my internet dating. I crafted this initial intro message, and I sent it to a hundred men and waited to see who responded.

I also semi crafted the second message. I had a template and I would add in a few details. Then I went to what I called a mini date, so those of who got through my stringent process I invited them to a mini date.

What I did was I batched those mini dates, so I’d have one at 6:00 p.m. and one at 8:00 p.m. Then a couple of guys got second proper dates, real dates, and then I actually dated a couple of them.

I thought “why doesn’t everyone know about this? And, I was thinking, “men make such dumb mistakes, like post a profile picture of them with a girl that is just kind of half cropped out. So I was like, guys, you need to know this stuff. I think that’s just my personality

If see something that’s wrong I’d like to try to fix it, and I’ve always been one of those people to say “oh, let me show you how to do that”

I’ve never told that story about why, I’ve mentioned it a few times in my first online thing was internet dating for men, but not why that came about. It was because I cannot help it. I have to systematize stuff.2

RC: How did you get from dating tips for men, and using marketing and sales strategies to land those dates all the way to teaching money mindset to women entrepreneurs?

Well, it wasn’t a really straight journey. After Internet Dating Tips for Men, I ran a series of real estate boot camps for a local realtor. Then I went into consulting for a little bit, so that was kind of the traditional job.

I veered in and out of the traditional job and self employment. I would go into a corporation and think “oh, my God this is terrible” after about six months, but then I would leap out and I would start a blog like, Macy’s Movie Reviews, and then I would think “Hey, I cannot make money out of this, I think I need to jump back in”.

I went back to the consulting field, and I wrote a sales and marketing program for the United Nations as part of that, and it was for people in developing countries who wanted to be consultants to SMA’s in their country.

Then I got the internet and marketing bug, big time. I joined someone’s mastermind, and I didn’t have an idea, but it was a time in my life. I was getting married, I discovered raw food, I lost a bunch of weight for my wedding through raw food, so I was like, “okay, my business is going to be Raw Brides”.

I think the problem is sometimes you start a business out of a season of your life that’s not necessarily the best business idea, but you’re in it, and that’s okay. You might have a lot of energy to write about being a mom, or losing weight for your wedding, but the test is can you blog about this every single week without fail?

I found that a lot of my random ideas, I’d get to the six month mark and I’d completely run out of steam. I was just like, “I cannot say single more, a single new thing about weddings, or raw food, because I got married, and I’m done, out of this season of my life”.

That was another one along the road, but I got really clear towards the end of that. I learned a ton about internet marketing, which is brilliant, I decided to really change my life.

An opportunity came up for a competition for a honeymoon company, needed a couple to blog about their honeymoon destinations for six months. Things like that happen all the time, now, you see a lot of companies do it, but back then in 2010 it was pretty cutting edge.

Mark and I, my hubby, we won the competition, which I wrote all about in my first book, Lucky Bitch. For six months our jobs were to make videos, blog about different places and to do social media, and stuff like that.

In that time I started soul searching and I really had to ask myself, “what do I want to do?”. Because I realized a lot of those experiences were great, just the experiences and practice businesses, but if I was really asking myself what did I care about, I really cared about transforming peoples lives, helping them to achieve their goals, and motivating them.

That was part of me that thought “that’s not a job“. But of course it was, and I was like, “I have to suck up the fear that I have around telling people I’m a life coach, and go get my damn life coaching certification, finally”.

I did that, and then I noticed that a lot of my clients had money issues, and at the same time I was exploring my money issues, as well. I was applying everything I learned about personal development, but to my money issues, so of course when I learn something I have to share it.

I’ve been talking about this for six years full-time, and luckily I think it is my thing. After lots of trial and error, you try lots of things, but also you give yourself permission to know more and more about yourself, and to get to the true essence of who you are, and really what you want.

RC: What I hear you saying is “who cares if it’s not the right topic or if I change my mind”.

Get out there, learn the business, learn how the business side of things because all these different supported you getting your final business, or your current business to where it is.

You cannot learn all that in a classroom, you have to learn it by doing. You start a business, and you make a commitment, I’m going to blog every single week, or every single day, and I’m going to learn this.

The other thing I think people do is, that they think they’ve gone down one path, even if they know it’s not the right path they feel like, “oh, I’ve invested so much time, and energy, like I’m stuck with this business, now.” You don’t have to.

[clickToTweet tweet=”You’re allowed to pivot, even if you have before. You’ll get closer to your true business. ” quote=”You’re allowed to pivot, even if you’ve pivoted before. Each one is just going to get you closer to your true business. ” theme=”style2″]

RC: I know I’ve seen you go through that transition. I’ve gone through that transition. I think one of the things that helps more than anything is to just be doing the work.

As you continue to create content, and continue to work with people, you get more clarity about what you really want to focus on, and you wouldn’t get it if you were just hanging out by yourself, overthinking it.

Waiting for the perfection. It’s like, I’ll release this when it’s perfect. Oh, my God, it’s never going to be perfect. Websites are never done, you and I both know this – they’re never done.

Even as soon as you launch them, you’re like, “oh, there’s so much I need to change in this“. They’re always in a state of flux.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Your program is never going to be perfect. You just have to get in there and launch stuff.” quote=”Your program is never going to be perfect. You just have to get in there and launch stuff.” theme=”style2″]

RC: You’ve always been somebody who is transparent your process. I remember there was a post you showed, where you showed a before and after of each stage of launching your program.

Then the final one that you have right now is super polished with a gorgeous set and a professional film crew.

But you never would have gotten your business to the point where it is now, if you didn’t start with the do it yourself version of your program, or even your website, or insert anything else that people are using as a reason to not put stuff out there.

Absolutely. Because I think you have to reframe it. Right? So, you get one person on your first program, you have been paid to get through all of that resistance, and that is so valuable, because then you can use it again, and again.

I hear a lot of people say “well, I’m a failure, I only got one person”, and it’s like:

honey, think of all that infrastructure that you set up, it’s so hard the first time you run anything, and now that’s done.”

Now, the next time you can work a lot less and you can focus on the marketing to maybe have five people, and then 10 people. This is exactly what I did.

My first ever online program in 2010, maybe, I had one person on it, but I never thought that was a failure. I was thought “oh, my God, this is amazing someone paid me to do that”. Learn to do that sales page, and learn how to use webinar software, and all that kind of stuff, it was amazing.

My first manifesting course, I think I had five people in it. The first bootcamp had 20 people in it. Then I think I had 40, then 70, and we’re at three and a half thousand, or something, now.

That only happened because of that very first transformation plan with one person. If I had given up then, all this other stuff would have never been created.

I think the trick of it is you have to learn to be an optimist and see everything as part of the journey, and everything as a rite of passage, not as a failure. Many people don’t even get to the point to where they can have even one person on their program, because they never get to the point of having something to sell.

RC: In the online space, we see a world of seven figure launches and it can set people up to feel like they’re not good enough.

I think that’s something more people need to hear is that the beginning of these programs, the beginning of the seven figure programs started as five people, 20 people.

The universe is never going to give you more than you can handle and trust me, if you don’t have infrastructure set up having suddenly a hundred, or more people in your program; you know how many times people email us, oh, “I’ve lost my password“.

The first time you run a program, guess who’s answering all those emails?

It’s you. Guess who’s dealing with the tech problems? It’s you. That’s why it’s really useful to have one person in your program first, you get out all those kinks when not too many people are watching, and that’s deliberate.

That is deliberate from the universe “This is all you can handle right now, get your ducks in a row, and then we’ll send you more people as you can handle more people, because otherwise it would send your life into chaos if you had a crazy successful program first time around”.

RC: I’d love to ask you about the transition towards having a signature program, and what did that look like for you? Because I know you used to work one on one, and now you don’t.

Then your signature content, and how did both of those things simplify your business, and what has the result been?

I started my blog under my name in 2011, at first it was deniseduffieldthomas.com, and I remember on the home page I had something like eight boxes of different content that people could click on and then read.

I was writing about all those topics for the first probably six months, maybe. But, what I realized is that I didn’t have that much to say about finding your soulmate, I didn’t have much to say about getting a raise in your job. I was like, “I just gave myself permission to let some of those topics fall away”.

Sometimes people get stuck there. You don’t have to be everything to everyone. That’s okay. That’s where I started to peel away things. Then in my practice, so I was seeing one to one clients, and I was really burning the candle at both ends.

I could do that then, because I didn’t have kids. I was getting up at, sometimes, at 4:30 in the morning to coach a client in the UK, because I didn’t have any boundaries and I felt bad about asking them to get up a little bit early or to stay up a little bit late.

Then I would work all day long, and I would even have coaching sessions at night, 9:00, 10 o’clock at night, sometimes. Again, to accommodate people because I didn’t want to set boundaries.

I think what I’ve been really good at, and this is where the simplification comes from, I look at:

  • what’s not working in my life?
  • What’s causing me stress?
  • What’s annoying me?
  • What’s keeping me up at night?

I’m an incredibly lazy person. I really like my create to comforts, so after doing that, I made and online calendar that people could just book in with me during my set work hours. Then I was like, what if I didn’t coach on Friday’s? What if I didn’t coach on Monday’s?

What if I just had Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday as my coaching days? It just came from that and then I was like, “I’m really booked out, what if I increase my prices? Oh, okay, I’m still getting clients. What if I increase my prices more?”

And that became “what if I took all this stuff that I teach my one to one clients, and put it in a course?” That’s just honestly how my simplification stuff works, it’s always just like, “I didn’t like doing that, I didn’t like staying awake until two, three o’clock doing a sales page, what if I outsource that to someone else? What would that look like?”

It’s never come from a really strategic place. It’s always just come from, “I didn’t like that feeling. I’m going to do something else.”

RC: I love that question of “this doesn’t feel good, this doesn’t work for me” because I think that gets you closer to your sweet spot of business that feels good, and comes a lot more easily.

Once you started making those changes I bet your weeks became a lot smoother and you got into a better flow.

They did, but I want to say it didn’t come naturally, or easily to me, so I understand that feeling. I felt, every time I put a new boundary in place, I felt like a total bitch, like really, really bad.

I remember even another situation that came up, I had this client who would just contact me. She would send me an email saying “hey, I want your advice on this” and then if I didn’t answer she’d Skype me, “hey, I sent you an email, I just wanted to see if you got it” or a Facebook message “hey, I sent you a Skype and an email I just wanted to see if you got it, and then text message “hey, I sent you an email”

I was like “holy crap, this does not feel good”. I had to summon up all of my courage and I sent her a message, and I said “hey, just to let you know email coaching is not included in your package.”

I think my first couple of clients it was, and I learned a lesson and I always say to people do not include unlimited email access. I said “hey, just to let you know, if you send me an email with something I need to look at I’ll just put agenda for our next meeting”.

I remember she said something, and it blew my mind, she said “oh, no, I don’t want to waste our coaching session with this kind of stuff”. I thought, “but you were willing to waste my time?”

Not because it was her fault, because I had trained her that I would work for her on my own time. When it came to, oh, no, no problem, you can totally send me the message, I probably won’t respond, but I’ll add it to your time. Suddenly she was like, “oh, no that’s my precious one hour with you”.

It trained her then to become more resilient to go and find the answers herself, and then to really value that time that we spend together.

Sending that email I just summoned all of my courage. I felt like the biggest bitch, I slammed shut my computer, I felt sick about it all night, and then in the morning, it took me until about 10 o’clock in the morning to open up my computer, and she just went, “oh, no problem”.

Why did I stress about it?

The reason why we resist making things easy for others and putting a system in place are boundaries is because we’re trained to be everything to everyone to be nice, to be accommodating and it’s not safe for us to have boundaries.

RC: Ladies listening, boundaries are so important, because you truly, you teach people how to treat you.

If something isn’t working it’s usually because they don’t know how they’re supposed to work with you.

As a coach, or as a teacher, you don’t have all the answers for them, and if your students, or clients aren’t learning to find those answers, or learning to figure stuff out, then you’re not really helping them to be somebody who can handle the problem that they need to get solved.

Why wouldn’t they take advantage of that if you’re not teaching them otherwise. It’s like of course you would, you’d be like, yeah, of course I do that. But, you know what?

Setting, even those boundaries around time and days off, not only as you said taught my clients to be more resilient and more self reliant, I suddenly freed up some time to write my book, write my first book.

We think we have to help everyone, but if you had no time, or extra energy, or resources you can really help the amount of people you really truly are meant to help.

We just did the numbers recently we sold maybe 20,000 books of my two books. Writing a book is a massive unpaid undertaking for a long time. I think both books took about nine months from start to finish. That’s a really big undertaking, and if you don’t have any extra energy you’re not going to be able to create free courses, and free content, and great stuff for your blog.

All of that stuff that you can then help a lot more people with as well as then maybe creating a course that you can help a lot more people with and leverage your income. You have no space.

I remember meeting someone who was an intuitive business coach, and I said to her “oh, how many clients do you see each week?” Because I was in mind, I could see about 15 a week before I burnt out, which is why I had to keep on increasing my prices. Because 15 a week is not that many but she was seeing 100 a week.

It was because she just saw them back to back from 8:00 in the morning until 6:00 at night, five days a week. She didn’t charge very much. It was like, “how can you sustain that?”

You cannot, and how can you really truly do the work you’re put here to do, because you’re like a guinea pig? Trapped in your little wheel.

RC: I love about what you’re sharing is a very clear process in my mind, because I went through a very similar one.

I was able to free up some time and replace that time with creating something, to give your business a little more leverage.

Then suddenly you get to the point where the pendulum swings from having to spend all your time with 15 clients a week to now you’ve got these other things.

These other revenue sources that free up so much of your business, and help you really reach and serve more people, but you simply cannot do working just one on one, and what’s such a high burnout rate for service providers,

I think is something that more people need to hear, like, it didn’t happen over night that anyone just creates a course and then boom, their business completely changed, usually it takes a little bit of a transition there.

My first course, I think, not a real bright transformation, but the manifesting course. I was still doing one to one clients that year. The next year I launched the Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp, I still had a few clients, but what I had done was just signed on a few like on a six month package instead of doing one to one.

You can ebb and flow your business, and you don’t have to just have one business model, it’s okay to mix a few.

But you’ve got to make sure that you’re charging appropriately, and you’ve got some boundaries around that, so you’re attracting the right client, and you’re freeing up some of your time that you can add some other business models into the mix, too.

RC: How have you managed to stay so focused on a singular program for so long?

Because I know that you’re an entrepreneur through and through and we tend to get ideas all the time, so how do you avoid the shiny objects?

I’m definitely not immune to that. It might look like I am from the outside. The year after I did the Lucky Bitch Bootcamp, I did the same thing that everyone else does, I thought “hey, this is a really great program maybe I can do a different program based on my same kind of methodology”.

I started writing a book called, Get Hitched Lucky Bitch, a play on Get Rich Lucky Bitch. This is not a joke and I think some people will think it is, just me being funny, but it’s a complete book.

It’s actually finished, it exists, it’s not for sale, but it does exist, and it has a cover and everything, and I created a soulmate course, and I had maybe less than 10 people.

It was pretty much the Bootcamp but for soulmate stuff. It was like the same content, because I ran the Money Bootcamp the year before, so it was the same modules, but instead of talking about money, we were talking about soulmate.

I got to the end of that, and I was like, “what have I done? This is not who I want, I don’t want to be known for this.

I even remember talking to a friend who is a trainer and I was like, let’s do Get Fit Lucky Bitch. I was honestly going to go down all of these different tangents, so I am not immune to doing this myself.

However, where I have been able to do this well is looking at Marie Forleo’s, B-School, she is always my constant reminder. Every time I think, oh, when it got to 2,000 people in Bootcamp and I was like, this is done now. This is done and dusted.

Marie’s had 20,000 people in her bootcamp, in her B-School then last year we hit the 3,000 mark at the start of the year, and I remember interviewing Marie, and I asked how many people have gone through B-School, now?

She’s said, 30,000 people, and I went “okay, I’m not going to quit just yet. I’m not going to change mind just yet.” As long as B-School keeps on having new people in there she’s my north star for keeping focused, because I’ve seen how she’s just gone so deep, deep into it.

Now, utilized my creative brain is that I turned my attention to the Money Bootcamp, because I knew that I wanted to have kids the next year.

So, I was kind of strategically planning it that way. The last couple, I mean, Willow is three, George is one. The last three years I haven’t been that tempted to veer of course because I’ve been to damn tired, which is totally the truth.

We did decide to do the Sacred Money Archetypes, which I know when we go live with this interview, we would have already just done, so that was a way of doing it, but I’ll tell you the honest truth about how I keep the creativity going is I give myself an umbrella, and the umbrella is women and money.

As long as anything stays remotely go under that umbrella I can go as wild and crazy as I’d like. We’re planning for next year to do some kind of comedy sketches around women, and money, and business. It gives me that, “is this in scope, soulmates, no, out of scope, outside of the umbrella”.

RC: Instead of going super wide and trying to serve everybody and solve every problem you’re going deep with your content and sticking under that one umbrella.

Your current programs are very cohesive. Unlike some people who I see throwing things out there, and it’s like, well, these programs don’t actually work together.

The people who sign up for this thing over here aren’t going to sign up for this thing over here, which actually makes it harder in your business, because you’re working twice as hard to get a lesser result, and I’m the opposite, I want to work as little as possible and get the biggest result out of that.

I think in the future I might bring other things in, like I might do a mastermind, or something in the future, but for now it works and it works because I keep on asking myself:

  • What am I good at?
  • What do I like to do?
  • What makes my life easy?

Someone approached me last year to buy their business, and I was so interested in it because it was a money type course, it was creating passive income – And I was like “oh, this totally makes sense”, but then I went oh, does it?”

I had to go one layer deeper. “Okay, women and money ticks the box. I don’t want to teach how to, I only want to teach mindset”. So, at first I was really conflicted and really confused.

I really mulled over it for a couple months, and I realized it was because I hadn’t really known that was a consideration for me. I teach mindset I don’t teach how to.?

It was a really easy, no, and I went back and said, thanks so much, but this is why. This is why it’s a no, for me. But, that just comes from just constantly asking yourself:

  • What do I want?
  • What am I good at?
  • What’s my zone of genius?

RC: What are some things that you did say yes to that ended up being a mistake, or maybe overcomplicated things for your business?

About a year and a half ago, I was like “oh, Danielle LaPorte’s got an app, maybe I should have an app”. I thought it was a great idea, so it was $10,000 to build an app.

When we got to the end of it being developed, the designer asked me to pick a price for the app and I hadn’t even thought about that. He’s like “oh, well generally people, it’s like 69 cents, or like 1.69, or 1.79″.

I was like, “I don’t want to sell something for $2.00, because not only does that go against that value for me”. But I was thought about doing customer service on a $2.00 product? If something breaks, there’s customer service considerations to what your charging out for.

If you’re going low cost, high volume you’re going to need a lot of customer service people to deal with that, so I just went “yuck, this is not me”.

This is exactly why I don’t sell my audio book, my book separately, because it’s like, I can sell it for $29.00. I cannot be bothered doing that to my team for $30. I’m just going to make it free, so it’s completely free on the app store.

Like I said, it cost me $10,000. It’s still kind of a cool thing to give people, but it’s so not my business and then of course as soon as I put it out, people ask “what about Android?” And I’m like “No”.

People take it really personally. But it was for the wrong reason, it was because everyone else had one, and I thought it would be a cool thing to do, it was totally priced wrong, and just not really in my zone of genius, and yeah, good lesson.

An expensive lesson. But, kind of cool to know, oh, I don’t do low cost stuff.

RC: I actually had a conversation the other week with somebody about, maybe I should make a print planner, and then I reeled myself back in,

I was actually talking with my project manager, Amber. She said “Rach, you really don’t want to do that, right now. You don’t need to complicate the business. We don’t have what it takes to do that volume, and serve it at the level that you would want to.

Exactly she’s my voice of reason, too, which I love that we share Amber. No way. Because going into places that you shouldn’t go into, it’s a great learning experience sometimes, but also learn from other people, and there’s time to do stuff sometimes.

One project that I’ve never spoken about, but I was like, I’d love to partner with an astrologer, and do a money astrology book for the different sun signs, and that’s just always in the back of my mind, but I think I’ll only do that if I’m super bored, and we don’t have a ton of other stuff on, and maybe just do it once a year, because things getting really distracting.

I’m actually wearing a pendent that I collaborated on with Sarah Wilder from the Fifth Element, and we were very clear, this is going to be a one off, we’re just doing a small run of it, but I see entrepreneurs do those things all the time, and they can really just fracture your focus, fracture your energy, confuse your audience.

Sometimes cost you a lot of money, but their not always the best thing to do. But, I mean, you can find ways to do it in small little ways, you can partner with somebody.

Like with Sarah Wilder and the jewelry, I didn’t have to fulfill that. That felt like a nice fun little side project, because I wasn’t the one wrapping up those rings, and posting them out.

RC: I think there’s definitely opportunities to have nice little fun small things, as long as they don’t pull people off course. I also think it’s a mindset thing. Right?

Like you said, you look at someone like Marie Forleo, like, okay, she’s gotten 30,000 people, there’s definitely plenty of room for me to grow, here.

I think we tend to even limit ourselves with the success of what we’ve already created instead of doubling down and using that more.

We tend to feel like we have to work harder, and create something new just so that we can go back to working harder, or whatever that mindset issue is bubbling up again.

Oh, it’s definitely a sabotage, and it is that I have to work really hard thing, or it doesn’t count. I’ve seen people go, well, everyone’s seen it now, and it’s like “no, you’ve had 10 people go through your program, it’s okay for you to relaunch it. It’s okay. More people will see it, don’t worry”.

But, there’s that part of us that has to reinvent the wheel all the time. I remember the second time I launched Money Bootcamp I realized that I didn’t have to create the sales page. I could focus on the marketing and getting more people into it.

RC: I’m famous for making more bonuses and more advanced trainings. I’ll think “oh, I’m bored, let me go create a whole other thing for my people who have already gotten into the program”.

I mean, look at how many bonuses are in Bootcamp. Even with the new program that we did Sacred Money Archetypes, Bootcamp is giving a discount on that, but those, part of us is like “do we just bundle this in with Bootcamp”

No. One, because sometimes it’s not actually that useful for you people to get too much stuff. It’s okay for you to make more money out of your same audience. That’s okay, too.

I just started another one that I’ve been thinking of recently, we did an event in London, and we recorded it, and Mark ask me what I wanted to do with the recording. “Are you going to sell it for I don’t know 30 bucks?” I almost said, yes, and then I remembered that we don’t do that.

Instead we’re just going to take out some great clips from it and put them on YouTube. You see people do that all the time. You go to a Beyonce concert, or whatever and they film it, and then they after a while, they start bringing out clips of it.

Not that I’m Beyonce, but you know what I mean? It’s that I still face those questions all the time, and I have to catch myself in the moment making the wrong decision. I

RC: I’ve gotten better at that one, but I think that’s so common. It’s just the feeling of you have to over deliver it, but then you don’t actually end up getting, like reaching more people or serving new people.

There’s always that balance there. By hearing you go through your journey, it makes me feel better. I’m not alone.

Yeah. I still do it. The thing, too, there’s no right or wrong with your different personalities, so someone is like that who is a chronic over deliverer maybe a model of a membership program might be a good model for them.

And, that’s different for everyone, depending on your personality. What’s easy for you, what going to keep you in flow, and that’s just about knowing yourself and getting into practice.

RC: What is the best place to send people who are ready to simplify this whole money mindset and the challenges around money that us women entrepreneurs tend to run into?

Well, the audio that explains what money blogs are and some of the really common ones, that’s at luckybitch.com/blogs. That one has been around for a while, I think we’ve had something like 23,000 people just go through that audio, alone.


I could just listen to Denise talk all day long. I think she’s such an incredibly smart entrepreneur, and what she’s been able to do in her business, working less, but earning more, it’s hard.

I will admit this is actually challenging to say, no, to all the big ideas that you have, but I’ve seen for myself that the more I do less, the more I say no to things that are outside of the scope that I’ve decided for myself, and my business the easier business becomes, and the more I’m able to earn from it.

The more I’m able to impact people. The more people I’m able to reach.

If this is something that you know you have been struggling with, the Money Mindset piece that keeps you procrastinating, or chasing shiny objects, or changing focus too often, then I encourage you to check out her all new training on Money Mindset.

She is just incredible in helping you identify those money blocks, and challenges that will honestly continue to show up each new level in your business. This is the one area of my business I’m constantly working on.

I always have her Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp loaded on my phone, so I can listen to it, and refresh it, all the time, whenever I’m running errands, or out taking a long walk.

If you know this is an area you need to improve, that you need to really hone for yourself, as an entrepreneur, so you can expand your capacity for more money, for reaching more people, I encourage you to check that out.