NEW Advanced Training for Women Entrepreneurs
The CEO Strategy Map: 7 Essential Tools in Your Sustainable Scale Stack
Are you running your business… or is your business running you?
It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO!
If you’re ready to sustainably scale your business…
just winging it is not a smart business strategy.
There comes a point in your business growth when what got you here won’t get you there – and research from The State of the Business Owner shows that companies fail to grow when business owners feel out of control!
It might seem like simply focusing on growing revenue and profits is the answer – but this often amplifies issues within operations, client experience, and team like:
➡️ Without streamlined systems and structure in the business, it takes twice the effort to get half the results… meaning you, the business owner, is constantly in hustle mode to keep ahead.
➡️ Without a clarity on the customer journey, all the marketing and sales efforts bring in new clients while existing or former clients are continuing to churn out of the business, reducing your client lifetime value and overall profitability.
➡️ Without clearly documented values, vision, strategy, and metrics – the business owner will always remain a bottleneck because the team is not equipped to take 100% ownership over their results and roles.
So how can you feel more in control of your business?
By implementing a set of universal best practices we call The CEO Sustainable Scale Stack.
Learn how The 90 Day CEO Operating System incorporates 7 universal tools to sustainably scale by entering your name and email below for The CEO Strategy Map training.
Get The CEO Strategy Map Training
It’s Time to Slow Down & Stabilize Before You Scale Up
In this LIVE advanced training, join me to learn the most important tools every CEO needs in their business to feel more in control. You’ll learn:
Why you’ll always be the bottleneck in your business if you can’t get this out of your head and in front of your team.
Hiring is hard but without clarity on their role and responsibilities (especially as the business continues to grow), your team will never be self-directed until you fix this.
Feelings aren’t facts – and smart CEOs know that there is some essential data they need to keep a finger on the pulse of their business, their marketing, and their sales and make better decisions.
You can continue to search for new clients – or implement this strategy for repeat clients and increasing customer lifetime value.
Why understanding your ideal client and their journey from very first introduction to your business to clients who return again and again can streamline your marketing efforts.