Calling all women entrepreneurs who want more sustainable success in 2025, it’s time to…
Join 100% FREE 5 Day Challenge to Create Your 2025 Monthly Action Plan!
Enter your name & email below to join this free on-demand planning challenge:
You Have Big Goals for Your Business…
Now, You Need a Plan to Make Them a Reality
In just 5 days, I’ll walk you through my entire Strategic CEO Planning Process for real clarity around your 2025 goals.
You’ll walk away with:
:: A holistic review of your businesses over the last 12 months, so you know what to DOUBLE DOWN on and what you can say NO to in 2025.
:: A guided visioning process to help you step into the future and REVERSE ENGINEER how you’ll upgrade all areas of your lifestyle, relationships, health, wellbeing, and creativity in the coming year.
:: An in-depth review of your current marketing, sales, and business strategy to clarify your most profitable (and least profitable) offers.
:: Your top 5 goals, action steps, and a plan for creating your own personal SUPPORT SYSTEM, so you can actually hold yourself accountable.
:: Your customized 12 MONTH ACTION PLAN — a map of your marketing and sales strategies, so you know exactly what to do each month to attract, engage, nurture, invite, and delight new clients.
Join The Plan Your Best Year Ever Challenge!
All you have to do is register…the challenge will be delivered straight to your inbox
Why I Created The
Plan Your Best Year Ever Challenge
Prior to starting my consulting and coaching business in 2008, I ran strategic planning retreats for C-Suite executive teams of businesses and non-profit organizations. So naturally, I used this process for myself as I grew my own business to achieve my goals while working less than 25 hours a week.
As I worked with hundreds of women entrepreneurs, I realized that the number one reason many struggled to see real momentum was because they were constantly winging it in their business.
So, I created this 5 Day Challenge to walk you through the same Strategic CEO Planning Process I use, so you can create a clear vision for the year ahead, set check-off-able goals, and consistently attract more clients and cashflow into your business.
The best part? When you shift focus from doing ALL THE THINGS to doing the RIGHT THINGS, you can work less, earn more, and make a bigger impact.
I can’t wait to support you!
Why I Created The Plan Your Best Year Ever Challenge
Prior to starting my consulting and coaching business in 2008, I ran strategic planning retreats for C-Suite executive teams of businesses and non-profit organizations. So naturally, I used this process for myself as I grew my own business to achieve my goals while working less than 25 hours a week.
As I worked with hundreds of women entrepreneurs, I realized that the number one reason many struggled to see real momentum was because they were constantly winging it in their business.
So, I created this 5 Day Challenge to walk you through the same Strategic CEO Planning Process I use, so you can create a clear vision for the year ahead, set check-off-able goals, and consistently attract more clients and cashflow into your business.
The best part? When you shift focus from doing ALL THE THINGS to doing the RIGHT THINGS, you can work less, earn more, and make a bigger impact.
I can’t wait to support you!
Join The Plan Your Best Year Ever Challenge!
All you have to do is register…the challenge will be delivered straight to your inbox.